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Delisted from BME Growth / Listed on Spanish Stock Exchange

"ATRYS Health specializes in innovative medical diagnostic imaging.and personalized cancer diagnosis and treatments in advanced single-dose radiation therapy company. Our commitment to R & D puts us at the forefront of individualized medicine ."


Company Profile

Atrys Health (BME:ATRY), founded in 2015, is a global medical services provider with more than 2,200 professionals and presence in 8 countries. A pioneer in the fields of telemedicine and state-of-the-art radiotherapy, it has a solid track record of organic and inorganic growth with the integration of 14 companies since 2018.

Atrys focuses its activity around three business units: prevention, diagnosis and oncology. Through these three areas, provides a 360º service, covering everything from prevention to cancer treatment, including precision diagnosis and the use of telemedicine. Thus, the company performs diagnostic tests, analyses using telemedicine tests on radiology, cardiology, ophthalmology and dermatology and provides medical oncology services carrying out chemotherapy, immunotherapy and advanced radiotherapy treatments.

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Relevant Facts until 10/05/2020

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